February 9, 2012

Marshmallow plant (Althaea Officinalis)

It is an indigenous plant, belonging to the Natural family Malvaceae and to the Linnaean class and order Monadelphia Polyandria.

A perennial herb with a yellow, branched root, tall, erect leafy stems and large alternate, lobed an irregularly toothed leaves.

Pale pink flowers bloom in late summer, followed by round, flattened fruits and the long perennial roots are cream colored.

Marshmallow has a widespread distribution from western-Europe to Siberia. In the British Isles, where it is native, it is locally common in salt marshes and on banks near the sea.

The flowers, leaves and roots of marshmallow and many of its cousins have been used around the world as a source of a mucilage that is moistening, soothing , anti-inflammatory, and softening.

The herb contains very high levels of large sugar molecules called mucilage. Which appear to exert a soothing effect on mucous membranes.

There are many species of mallow growing around the world, often used as food or medicine and possessing similar properties.
Marshmallow plant (Althaea Officinalis)

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